Warm orchestral tones over a plodding bass section are the first thing to greet
you upon listening to Jason Ajemian's
Folk Forms Evaporate Big Sky under
Who Cares How Long You Sink moniker. Along with this warm
orchestral texture and pleasantly plodding bassline you are also greeted or perhaps
"introduced to" Ajemian's vocal stylings. Half spoken, mostly atonal
flailings are the flavour of choice here and for many listeners this will be the
deciding factor as to whether the album sinks or floats.
Comprised of five pieces as played by over 30 musicians,
Folk Forms Evaporate
Big Sky resembles a long collage of slow moving sound as opposed to five
distinctly individual tracks. This is not to say that every piece sounds identical;
there is a definite increase in tension towards the middle of the disc, but
throughout the album transitions between songs are nearly seamless in terms
of their textural dynamics. This fluidity makes sense considering Ajemian composed
these five pieces as a focus on the natural breath patterns of the musicians
involved. A technique of this nature is especially effective on brass and consequently
the saxophone is the dominant instrument here, giving the pieces a welcome tropical
or equatorial atmosphere as opposed to the colder textures of many ambient musical
In complete contrast to the soft beauty of the instrumentation is voice of
Ajemian. Where the brass, strings, and mallet instruments float in graceful
cloud forms, the vocals act as half-awake, piercing, drunken stabs reminiscent
of what might emerge from the mouth of one having a bad dream of some sort.
Discernible lyrics such as "another time, another place" from first
track "Leaves Rainbow" or "never let you down" from "The
Fear They Give" emerge every so often, but primarily the voice acts as
an instrument; out of tune, confused and lost within its larger environment
of sound. Only a few times on
Folk Forms Evaporate Big Sky does the
vocal trigger an immediate reaction from the instrumentation. In these cases
(the last yelp on "Like Organic Life", or the aforementioned "never
let you down" bass/vocal interplay on "The Fear They Give") a
fragility of the human character is brought out from its usual position within
the textural space and is given the spotlight front and center.
Who Cares How Long You Sink is such a large collective
with a loose compositional style half-rooted in improvisation, it will be interesting
to see where they go from here.
Folk Forms Evaporate Big Sky is an
amazingly beautiful album plagued only by the jarring and distracting vocal
stylings of composer Ajemian. Whether he continues ahead with this aesthetic
of juxtaposition between voice and instrumentation or brings the two elements
into a more cohesive relationship is his decision. Let's hope he chooses the
beauty of the big sky over the yelps of his folk form.
By Bruno Mazzotta
Jul 27, 2007