AA Wallace ( http://aawallace.bandcamp.com/ @aawallace )
(Disambiguation)Acadian Embassy ( http://acadianembassy.com/ @AcadianEmbassy )
(disambiguation) has two sides, and is divided into four tracks with eight songs in total. AA Wallace is a male vocalist from the Maritimes. He exhibits on (disambiguation) great originality. There is good composition of electronic beats, and the lyrics are also accompanied by various hip blip notes. (disambiguation) features synth-pop with a darker, more elaborated upon melody, and evident use of samples within the nu-wave and electronica genres. The second song surprises as it is electronic instrumental with no vocals, making the album overall, more interesting. The third song, “Feels Too Real”, is a moving crescendo of massive sounding electro-synth wave, with accompanying vocalist, AA WALLACE. The multi-layered vocal inflection is somewhat lacking aggressiveness in its mix down, perhaps due to the mastering process, if any. The musicality of the song albeit, is truly satisfying. It could be a banger at the club with some remixing? Track five, “Du What U Wunt”, is a slower more contemplative and intense chill-wave, with swirling evocative measures and a full sound. Song six on (disambiguation), “Lipsticks and Stethoscopes”, is one of the stronger songs on the album, and picks it up with electric guitar licks and vocal falsetto that satisfyingly propels the electro-synth music. The heavier vocal accents are what really stand out, and help to pull the album together. The album is both melancholic and philosophical.
By Tristin Norenberg-Goodmanson
Jun 28, 2013