Bloated Pig ( )
Bloated PigGoatswine ( )
Bloated Pigsound like a bunch of guys who just finished work at the garage, changed from their greasy coveralls into greasy denim jeans and vests over greasy black t-shirts, drank a case of beer in the back of the garage and then came out to play a show at the biggest dive in town. Initially I had no idea what these guys actually look like, but when I hear the music of Bloated Pig, that’s the visual I get. Of course opening up the CD cover, that’s pretty much exactly what these three guys look like. I’m not saying that every band looks like it sounds, but in this case they do. This is swampy, dirty, thick blues metal. If you’re into a steady diet of Motorhead or latter day C.O.C. then you’re going to really dig Bloated Pig.
For the most part, the lyrics of the album, sung by Vaahgner in a whiskey, weed and Winstons ravaged gravel voice, are those of anger, frustration and disdain. Something we can all relate to on some level. Not necessarily the most serious of lyrics, and I did actually laugh out loud at part of ‘Black Annis’ : “I’m going to love you to pieces, I swear to fucking God”. I’m sure they weren’t supposed to be heart rending at all, at least I hope not. For the most part, there is nothing you haven’t heard before on Bloated Pig; they aren’t reinventing the wheel, nor are they even trying to get the wheel back on their Harley. The band is tight and the songs rocket between pummelling and groovy as hell. This is a great, no nonsense, foot stomping, beer swilling record. Definitely something you could put on in your El Camino on the way home from work or on the way to the bar for your nightly boiler maker.
By Jason Wellwood
May 18, 2011